![Defensive Index by Age](DINDEX_AGE.png)
In order to approximate a players defensive impact, an index was created to measure several common defensive statistics. The defensive index weighs rebounds, blocks and steals. Rebounds are rated at 40%, while blocks and steals are weighted at 30% each. Based on the data from Lebron and Michael, several things are clear. A-Lebon has been the more consistent defender over his career. His average career index(red line) is higher than Jordans. B-Jordan was also a great defender. Despite being known as a scorer, Jordan's D index ranks well for players in his position. C-Lebron has had a better second half of his career. Jordan peaked around age 25, while Lebron has had above average defensive seasons after this age into his early 30's. D- Seven of eleven Lebron seasons rank higher than Jordan's career defensive index average(blue line)